My Grandma Lollie passed away just as we were boarding a 3 hour bus from Chiclayo to Trujillo. After 94 and a half years, the last 10 or so, with her mind having slowly succumbed to a combination of dementia and senility, her body was […]
All posts by “Danny”

Been Caught Stealing
Relaxed and refreshed from the comforts of Cuenca and our time with Gary and Susie, Lindsey and I boarded an 8 hour bus ride headed to a single night in Loja, an Ecuadorian border town en route to Peru. We were completely unaware that the […]

The Long and Winding Road
Led in a van by our tour guide Roberto “Digamos Bueno” (two words he seemed to fit into every sentence he spoke) Lindsey, Gary, Susie and I took off from Quito on a three day road trip through Ecuador towards our final group destination, Cuenca. […]

Quito-ski: The Adventures with Susie and Gary Begin
We left Montevideo (via airplane) with excitement through our veins in anticipation of meeting up with Lindsey’s parents, Gary and Susie, for a 12 day tour of Ecuador, including a 5 day cruise in the Galapagos. We started off in Quito on the right foot […]

The Full Montevideo
And so we disembarked overnight from Iguazu to an Argentina/Uruguay border town called Salto without being able to find any good information on how to ultimately get to our intended destination of Montevideo, Uruguay. We braced ourselves for logistical difficulties, but as often seems to […]

Iggy Falls
We stayed in hot and muggy Puerto Iguazu barely 24 hours, but that was all we needed to see its star attraction, Iguazu Falls National Park. The pictures speak much louder than any words will here, but this series of 275 waterfalls define part of […]

After a good chill session in El Bolsón, we took a short bus ride to El Bariloche, our last stop in Patagonia! Like El Bolsón, El Bariloche is not in the heart of the jutting peaks, glaciers and long scenic hikes that make Patagonia famous, […]

The W
Warning: long post coming at ya here again! Still glowing from our Antarctica trip, we spent a couple of days in Ushuaia (Ushuaia post) and then started working our way back into Chile to hike the famous 5 day W Trek in Torres del Paine […]

An Antarctic Reflection
We sat there on the Zodiac boat, the 10 of us and driver, in absolute silence, staring at the massive glacier ice wall, engine turned off. We were lucky that day. The typical Antarctic weather that would otherwise confuse the senses, such as snow, wind […]

Carretera Finale
Final Stop on the Carretera Austral: Chile Chico Population: 3000 From Cochrane we back tracked north on the Carretera to get to Chile Chico for a night, a border town only 8km from Argentina. It was our farewell to the Carretera, as we planned to […]

Tortel Relaxation
Stop 7 on the Carretera Austral: Caleta Tortel Population: 320 If you’ve been following our Carretera Austral posts, you may notice that we skipped stop 6 and went straight to 7. We ended up back in stop 6, Cochrane, for a longer stay after stop […]

Among the Wildflowers
Stop 5 on the Carretera Austral: Puerto Río Tranquilo Population: 400 Puerto Río Tranquilo was of the same character and build as Puyuhuapi; roughly the same size, same types of minimarkets (including limited available produce), same cultural flavor of kindness and seriousness from the locals, […]