All posts filed under “Feb – Uruguay

Down By the Beach

We knew Punta del Este would be a quick, expensive stop, and so we picked out a smaller beach town a little further north that sounded mellow and a bit more secluded. We chose wisely with La Aguada, a small beach village located just outside […]

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Punta del Dinero

I have been craving beach time since we first arrived in South America, but was previously out-voted every time we were close to a beach town, even though technically the votes were tied 1 to 1. That is, until we found ourselves in Uruguay with […]

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The Full Montevideo

And so we disembarked overnight from Iguazu to an Argentina/Uruguay border town called Salto without being able to find any good information on how to ultimately get to our intended destination of Montevideo, Uruguay. We braced ourselves for logistical difficulties, but as often seems to […]

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